Friday, June 05, 2009

Summer Reading (er... make that "Listening")

It seems to me that those "long, lazy days of summer" don't exist anymore... I can't remember a long, lazy summer day since I was about 7! The summers seem to be shorter and even our kids lead very busy lives.

So that leaves little time for summer reading. But if you want to try to work in some summer reading/listening for your children, check out the University of South Florida's Lit2Go section on iTunes U. You'll find lots of wonderful classics formatted in mp3's that you can download to an iPod to take along on the family vacation or that weekend outing to the country. The University of South Florida has more than 3000 podcasts organized by grade level, so you're sure to find appropriate reading/listening materials for your child.

You will need to have iTunes installed to use this link. While you're there, check out their TechEase section too if your summer plans include learning some new educational software this summer!

Lit2Go from the University of South Florida on iTunes U.

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