Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mountain Music

Originally uploaded by pwhyte
Had a very nostalgic weekend of scanning photos from Mom's old album. Will have to get her to sit down with me so I can add notes etc. to the pics. This one for example, I have no idea who they are or where exactly the photo was taken.

The extended family has always had lots of musicians - some whose reputations are well know for hundreds of miles around home (in WV).

Will soon finish this album and be able to take it back to her and bring another one home to work on - she won't let me have more than one at a time, lol!


ladyoutofcarolina said...

hey, Peggy. just curious what mts you are referring to. new to blogging so just checking out the next blog key. margo

Peggy Whyte said...

These are the beautiful Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia.